The Mountain Club of Maryland, Inc. and/or its leaders, officers, or representatives, shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage to persons and/or property, direct or consequential, arising out of any trips and/or activities of the Club. The assumption of risk, which is inherent in this type of rugged outdoor activity, is implied on the part of each person who attends any club trip; and every person participating in any of said trips and/or activities assumes all risk and liability in connection therewith.
If registration is required, it will be noted in the hike description area. Leaders may limit the size of the hike and will include the capacity on the description page. The leader may refuse registration to persons who may not be sufficiently strong to stay with the group. Observance of the following guidelines will enhance the enjoyment of everyone.
- Register no later than 6:00 pm the night before for day hikes and Wednesday night for overnight weekend trips.
- Trips are seldom canceled. Check with the leader when conditions are questionable. If you registered and will be unable to attend, please change your RSVP to “not going” or contact the leader. Members and guests who cancel after camping trip arrangements have been made are billed for any food or other expenses incurred.
- Arrive early. The time posted is for departure, not assembly.
- The consent of a parent or guardian is required for unaccompanied guests under 18 years of age.
- The leader should be told if you drop out, even temporarily.
- Please do not litter. Stay on the footpath. MCM supports Leave No Trace Principles.
- Hike Difficulty is based on distance and elevation change. Read the “hike description” for an idea of what to expect.
Hike Difficulty Key:
E = easy, M = moderate, M+ = moderate plus,
H = hard and S = strenuous.
Hiker Checklist
- Bring water.
- Dress for the weather.
- Sturdy footwear is recommended.
- Bring lunch or snack.
- Wear a hat.
- Bring bug spray. Check for ticks after the hike.
Dog Policy
The trip leader must be informed when a dog will be attending. Dogs must be on a leash at all times and under control. Rules of the venue pertaining to pets must be followed. Owners must clean up after their dogs.
Owners must keep dogs away from other hikers during snack or lunch breaks. Dogs must be friendly to other dogs and people on an outing. Dogs do better in cooler weather. Be sure your dog can do the hike.