MCM has consolidated its 2024 90th Anniversary activities in a single document that is now available to read or download from our website. The new publication, which is entitled The Mountain Club of Maryland: 90 Years On The Trail… And More: Our 90th Anniversary Celebration, includes information about the May 2024 Kinetic Sculpture Race and the anniversary gathering at the Howard County Conservancy last September. In addition, it includes members’ reminisces about their MCM experiences that they sent in as part of our MCM First Person exercise last year. Finally, the 13 articles about MCM’s history that were written as part of our anniversary program are all included.

By consolidating all these 2024 activities into a single document, they can be more easily preserved as part of our history, and also accessed by our members at any time. You can view the book on web site by clicking ABOUT and then 90TH ANNIVERSARY, or by clicking on this link:

Many thanks to Norm Engelberg, who edited the entire book for grammatical and typographical errors!