- Hike Distance:
- 7.0 Miles
- Hike Difficulty:
- Moderate
- Hike Leader:
- Rose Redd
This will be a moderate 7+ hike with several stream crossings . Pace will be 2.5. Leaving from parking area near Swinging Bridge at 9:30.
This will be a moderate 7+ hike with several stream crossings . Pace will be 2.5. Leaving from parking area near Swinging Bridge at 9:30.
Moderate to fast-paced hike on Loch Raven trails. Should be done by 11:30 or 12:00 so you will have a lot of time the rest of the day to get […]
This hike will take us back to the Gnome Village as we follow the trails in the Hilton Area of PVSP including the Santee Branch, Buzzard’s Rock, Forest Glen and […]
This 10-11 mile hike starts at Hamburg Road and follows trails in the southern part of Frederick Municipal Forest and the northern part of Gambrill State Park. The hike includes […]
Join us on this ~11 mile, meeting at the Catoctin Visitor Center before carpooling to Cunningham Falls State Park lake parking Lot. Our hike will start at the lake parking […]
This hike in Baltimore County explores the Patapsco River on both sides of Old Court Rd. There is about 800 ft of elevation change and we will be moving at […]
This 5-mile hike begins at the parking lot on Belair Rd. just after crossing the bridge (6.3 miles from the beltway). We will hike under the road to the Wildlands […]
We at St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church on Old Court Road following the trail past what was Woodstock College and down to the Patapsco, then turn east under Old Court Rd. […]
Young dogs, old dogs, wild and crazy dogs, shy dogs. Well – trained, not so well- trained dogs. Easy going or grouchy, big or little. We accept all dogs, and […]
Mostly flat trails through a wonderful mix of woods, wetlands, ponds and meadows on reclaimed farmland with beautiful views in Caves Valley; aviary, nature center and native plant garden. Flexible […]
This 10-11 mile loop hike in Patapsco Valley State Park will use trails in the Hilton area (including Santee Branch, Buzzard Rocks and Grist Mill Trails) plus the Ridge Trail […]
We will hike about 12 miles starting in the East View Parking lot and winding our way up and down and around on the various trails there on Sugarloaf Mt. […]
Join us on this ~10 mile, meeting at the Catoctin Visitor Center before carpooling to Cunningham Falls State Park lake parking lot. Our hike will start at the lake parking […]
We will hike at a leisurely pace of 2.25-2.5 miles from Rockburn Park to Patapsco Park. Take Morning Choice trail to Cascade Falls trail. We will pass Cascade Falls to […]
A 10-mile hike on scenic trails in Hollofield & Daniels area of PVSP with an elevation gain of about 1400 feet. There are a few small stream crossings, and we […]
There will be a few stream crossings. Hiking poles are recommended. 10 min snack break at halfway. Pace: 2.5 mph. Elevation gain about 900ft. LEAVE: 9:30 AM at the Oregon […]
This hike is the first in a series of 5 south hikes that will cover the entire Catoctin Trail (CT), starting at the northern end and hiking south. Starting at […]
An out and back hike of a total of 11 miles going south from Pen Mar Park to Raven Rocks, with lunch on the rocks. Total elevation gain is 1,900' […]
Join us on a 10 mile circuit hike on the new Old Ellicott City (OEC) Connector Trail which was recently constructed through the woods to the Hollifield area. We will […]
This is a loop hike of about 6 miles with around 800 ft. elevation gain. Note that the elevation gain may make this hike more challenging than many other moderate […]